Friday, May 4, 2012

Mom to TWO far....

Lyndsey and the 2012-2013 Mt. Nebo Officers and  the State FFA Officers

Lyndsey and TyLynn..(former Chapter President, now State FFA President!)

Lyndsey and the 2012-2013 Mt. Nebo Chapter Officers.
What a whirl wind this week has been!  Wednesday night was the annual FFA installation banquet.  Lyndsey forgot to tell me about it....someone else had to. :)  Anyway...good thing Marty and I decided to attend!  Much to our surprise, and to Lyndsey's, she was named the Mt. Nebo FFA 2012-2013 PRESIDENT!!!!  After taking last year off from running for office...which just about killed her....she decided she would run again!  She is so different from Jace.....he is VERY intense, and the whole week before "sifting" he was crazy insane. so much.  We kind of forgot she was running!  I did however remember when she told me 10:00 p.m. Sunday night she needed treats for the committee Monday morning at 6:00 a.m. Got to love those kind of surprises!!!  Anyway...Congrats to Lyndsey!!!  Love you!  You're going to do great!  Keep that FFA in line!

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