Thursday, April 8, 2010

She's here!

My new niece arrived on Monday, April 5, 2010! She's such a cute little fart! She has a head full of black hair...not to mention there's hair clear down her back! I suppose this means she has to "molt" like a baby bird!

All is well with both her and mom. I'm to lazy to down load a picture of her. It's Spring Break, and I have taken that literally. I don't want to do anything!

Thankfully Josh mowed my lawn after he got home from work today. I've been out and "LOOKED" at the mower several times today....I just couldn't make myself get on and start it!

Hopefully we're done with the snow, and soon Spring Break will be over, and I'll get back in the swing of things.....but right now, I'm enjoying my spring BREAK!

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