Whew! Back from Youth Conference with the 6th Ward, and we had a great time! It's a good thing my mom made me take swimming lessons when I was little! We had the wildest river run this past week! Our boat was deemed "The Clampetts". By no means were we skilled in the rowing department! More than once we ended up on a rock.....clear out of the water...sitting in the raft laughing our butts off. After a bunch of good bounces....off we went...to the next rock!
We actually wrapped our raft around one rock, and because we were laughing hysterically, we were unable to help one of our "Clampett" family members back in the raft! The poor kid was flailing around in the water, waving his arms like crazy, and with tears in his eyes...he told us he was drowning. Well of course we were to busy laughing to be able to lend a helping hand....that's when Marty told him to stand up! He stood up, and miraculously he was fine! The water hit him right above his swimming suit.....so of course we broke out laughing again!
Several of the girls on our raft admitted to wetting their pants......not from fear....from laughter! No pictures were taken that day to back up the fun that was had. We had a water proof camera on our raft...but the gal that was in charge of it was "white knuckling" it all the way down the river, and would NOT let go of the sides of the raft to do any picture taking!!!! What a riot!
We drove the Bishop crazy...some of the leaders drove me crazy...and we had a few tents tipped on the last night with caused a lot of excitement!
Great memories were made.....but not a lot of pictures were taken. I had the time of my life.....and sleeping in a tent for three days DID NOT KILL ME! I must be tougher than I thought.