Thursday, September 22, 2011

And the treatment begins!

I had surgery to place the port for chemo on Friday, September 16, 2011. Getting INTO surgery was quit the know, the waiting game at the hospital. Although I did find a friend and a confidant, a nurse that worked in same day surgery that had been thru this very ordeal herself three years ago.
What a fabulous way to pass time! While the anesthesiologist was starting the IV, me and my new friend totally ignored him and discussed my future! I find that where ever I go, someone has been there, and done that! Ladies of all ages, but I must admit, it's hard to hear from the ones that are younger than I am that have been down this road already. So sad that so many of us are facing this younger, and younger. Kind of makes you wonder what we're doing wrong. :(
Straight out of surgery I headed to meet my oncologist. (You know, last year, last month in fact, I didn't even know what an oncologist pathetic is that?) Dr. Wallentine and I are going to become good friends...even if he doesn't want to! I get to see him on a regular basis.....yippee.
Tomorrow morning I'll be pumping chemo drugs in my body. Not a pleasant thought. I did find some comfort that came in the form of an essential oil from some friends in our ward. Frankencense.....miracle oil. I have a story that no one but my family and friends that saw me after surgery would believe. And, if it's good enough for the Christ child.....well then, it's good enough for me!
Here's hoping I can back up my" smack-talk" I posted earlier about "going thru Hell before the devil even knows I'm there!" I hope it's a short trip thru hell!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

On a brighter note!!!!!!! Mission Call is finally here!

Last week with 65 people gathered in my basement, the anticipation grew as Jace opened his mission call and found out where he would be serving for the next two years!

Buenos Airs West Argentina Baby!!!!! Jace is so stoked! We may have to have the smile surgically removed from his face! As we read thru his mission papers, it mentioned bringing a sleeping bag......for two years? Well, he is my one and only child that wanted to be on "Survivor"! Looks like he may get to get a taste of it! Good luck Jace!!!!

A very humbling experience......

On July 31, 2011 I got the call. Not one I had been looking forward to getting....but one I was anticipating.
I learned on that day that I had breast cancer. Talk about being blindsided! I've since learned that we ARE NOT in control of our lives, just our destiny. This can make, or break me, and I've decided to choose the high road and only let this make me a better person.
I had surgery on Tuesday, August 23, 2011. It ended up being more intense than I had anticipated. The tumor was 2.1 centimeters, and they took the lymphnodes under my arm pit, finding out later that only one had been affected. Hallelujah!
I continue to heal from this, and look forward to a brighter future with my family.
I still don't know what all the treatments entail, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm not looking forward to them at all.
Yesterday on the way home from Orem, a song came on the radio that I think I'll use as my theme song. It's called, "If you're goin' thru Hell"......keep on going. Don't slow down, if you're scared don't show it, you might get out before the devil even knows your there.".........That's the plan, get in, and get out of this as fast as I can, and just move forward with my life. I've got a long bucket list, I can't quit now!

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